Midterm Exam Week

Midterm Exams

Midterm exams will be held from Monday, Dec. 17th – Thursday, Dec. 20th.  Students are only required to report to school when they have a scheduled exam. However, a teacher may require students to attend a non-exam class. For example, there is no exam in 21st Century Technology, but the classroom will be open so that students can finish outstanding projects. Breakfast and limited lunch service will be available.  Students must report to school in full uniform.
Midterm Exams

Midterm exams will be held from Monday, Dec. 17th – Thursday, Dec. 20th.  Students are only required to report to school when they have a scheduled exam. However, a teacher may require students to attend a non-exam class. For example, there is no exam in 21st Century Technology, but the classroom will be open so that students can finish outstanding projects. Breakfast and limited lunch service will be available.  Students must report to school in full uniform.
Students who owe fees of any kind, including tuition, will not be allowed to take exams until the fees have been paid. All financial obligations must be met by Friday, December 7th.
We strongly discourage absences during exams. If a student is absent on the day of an exam, a parent/guardian must call to report the absence. All missed exams will be administered on the make-up day. If a student needs to take a make-up exam due to a conflict, illness, or death in the immediate family, no grade penalty will be assessed. Students who miss an exam without prior permission or without a valid reason will be assessed a grade penalty on the exam. Students must contact Ms. McDonough (mmcdonough@setonhs.org) to schedule a makeup exam.

Students who arrive late (after 8:15 a.m. for the first exam or 10:45 a.m. for the second exam) must sign in with the main office. No extra time will be given to students who arrive late. 

After exams, supervision will extend until 6 p.m. as usual. However, it is our recommendation that parents make arrangements to pick up their daughter immediately following exams each day.

Please direct questions related to exams to Mrs. Edwards at tedwards@setonhs.org.