The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is a five-part multiple choice test of verbal, quantitative, reading, mathematics, and language arts skills. The exam takes about three hours.
Students completing the HSPT are ranked in percentiles and scored in relation to national and local scores. Standard scores range from 200-800, with 500 as the mean. The Cognitive Skills Quotient for the combined verbal and quantitative ability scores is interpreted the same way as with the IQ test, with the average being 100. Scoring summaries include Total Cognitive Skills, Total Basic Skills and a composite score based on the five subtests.
Scholastic Testing Service, Inc. (STS) first developed the HSPT in 1955. Since that time, STS has revised the HSPT annually in order to ensure its effectiveness for the schools using the test.
Registration for the 2021 High School Placement Test will open in October of 2021.