Academic Success Plan

Read more about Seton's expectations for success in the Distance Learning environment.
A note to the Seton Community:
As the Dean of Academics at Elizabeth Seton High School, I’ve known that it is my charge to be a transformational steward in ensuring that students are both challenged and nurtured, as well as empowered with an education that undergirds them academically, socially, spiritually and emotionally.  The guiding principles of this most important work must be demonstrated in respect, in innovation, in diversity, and in partnership with students, teachers, faculty, staff, and parents. 
Students, especially young women, must be provided with educational experiences that build self-confidence and support them as they develop and utilize the critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration skills needed for success in life. These skills are best acquired through student-centered teaching and learning practices that are sensitive and responsive to student needs, abilities, talents and learning styles.  As educators, we cannot be solely focused on the acquisition and application of knowledge.  What is truly most meaningful is the development of the pathways to knowledge.  The basis for this development is simply rooted in care.
Care can be defined in so many ways, such as “the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.”  However, the definition of care that touched me so profoundly was very unassuming:  watchful attention.  Just as God watches over us so attentively, we must also watch over our students attentively by supporting, challenging, and nurturing them as they discover and develop their own God-given talents and purpose.
My own approach to leadership in teaching and learning is simple:
  •         School should be both a place of refuge and an impetus for exploration.
  •         There must be clear and firm standards in place to guide behavior and high expectations of student responsibilities; students share accountability for their own learning outcomes.
  •         Begin with students’ current understandings; together we move forward.
  •         Learning is active, continuous and integrative.  It is important to give students the opportunity to apply their new knowledge in practical ways.  This promotes an awareness of the interrelationship and connectivity of all things and helps develop skills that are readily transferable across disciplines.
  •         Providing students with service-learning experiences in which they confront real-world problems in the context of their own community promotes creativity, compassion, and an appreciation for the challenges facing individuals and society as a whole.
  •         Through learning, students develop a sense of purpose.  One’s true purpose can best be seen through the lens of Christ.  
We have a shared commitment to care deeply for one another in this very trying time that we are facing.  We will continue to look to the example of Mother Seton, who also endured trying times, for the Light to Know and the Grace to Do.

Yours In Christ,

Mrs. Tiphanie N. Edwards ‘92
Dean of Academics

Distance Learning - Student, Family and Faculty Shared Expectations

Our goal is to provide our students with purposeful and engaging learning experiences through virtual instruction and meaningful activities that will not only nurture their academic growth, but also will deeply impact their spiritual, social and emotional development.  While we are fully aware that virtual learning experiences cannot fully replicate our community and the connections that take place in person, we do believe that robust learning can and will take place for all students.  Our faculty is committed to providing a student-centered learning environment while offering a rigorous academic program and fostering relationships with and among their students. 

Technology Resources and Expectations
Technology is an integral part of the distance learning environment.  Students are expected to use their Seton issued MacBook and a reliable internet connection in order to participate.  Students are expected to check their Seton email frequently and adhere to our acceptable use policy at all times.  

If a student experiences technical issues with their device, the technology department can be contacted at 301-864-4532, ext. #7161, or Students should report any technology issues promptly in order to mitigate disruption to the learning process. If technology issues impact students' ability to attend classes or complete coursework, they should notify their guidance counselor and/or teachers as soon as possible.

Distance Learning Technology Tools
While certain departments will use additional technological resources, in order to ensure consistency across all departments and content areas, the following tools will be used for content delivery, demonstration of learning, discussion and collaboration:

Seton Email:  Gmail is the platform that Seton uses for email and calendars.  Every student  has a Seton email account that is accessed through Gmail. Students must use this email address to access Google Classroom and Google Meet.

Google Meet - Google Meet is a videoconferencing application that Seton will use to host live classes.  Recorded videos of these live classes will be posted on  Google Classroom at the conclusion of each class.

Zoom - Zoom is a video conferencing tool platform that will be used to host some administrative, community connection and athletic meetings.

Google Classroom - Google Classroom is a tool that will help Seton students and teachers organize assignments, boost collaboration and foster better communication.

Blackbaud - Blackbaud is a learning management platform where Seton families can access announcements, student grades and course information.

Flipgrid - Flipgrid is a digital tool that allows teachers to facilitate digital discussions with and between students to allow for reflection on each other’s work.

Peardeck - Pear Deck makes Google slides interactive so every student can respond to questions or prompts right on their own screens.

Kami - Kami is a digital classroom app built to transform any existing document into an interactive learning experience.

Kahoot! - Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share and play learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes.

Quizlet - Quizlet is an online study application that allows students to study information via learning tools and games.

Edpuzzle - Edpuzzle is an easy-to-use platform allowing teachers to engage every student, one video at a time.

Naviance -  Naviance is an American college and career readiness software provider that partners with high schools and other K–12 institutions to provide students with college planning and career assessment tools.

School Day and Time Expectations
The school day will take place from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., with live classes running from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. From 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., students will be able to participate in support programming and individual and group meetings with teachers and advisors. On Wednesdays, students will be expected to utilize their time outside of class to complete assignments or schedule meetings with teachers or resource support for further help. There will also be opportunities for virtual community events.  We will have daily prayer at 8:45 a.m.

Student Expectations

Students will be expected to adhere to the following practices:
  • Create a distraction free place to focus on schoolwork from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Students must be aware that their surroundings are part of the learning environment and should be appropriate for school.
  • Review and follow the Acceptable Use Policy and Honor Code.
  • Attend all classes according to the distance learning schedule on time; adhere to all assignment and assessment deadlines.
  • Turn the MacBook camera on at all times during class unless the teacher gives permission to turn it off.
  • Mute the microphone unless speaking, or unless otherwise instructed. 
  • Be prepared for class with the necessary materials. All students have been given a Seton-issued laptop and charging cord. We still recommend charging your device overnight to mitigate any challenges with the loss of connectivity during live classes. Students also should have their agenda book, textbooks, notebooks, pens and pencils, calculator, and earphones (with a working microphone) when they log in to classes.
  • Do not share class links for Google Meet with anyone who is not a part of that class. You can access Google Meet through the link posted in Google Classroom 5 minutes prior to class.
  • Check email several times throughout the day.
  • Stay in contact with teachers and guidance counselors; ask for help no matter how big or small the challenge.
  • Be actively engaged during all classes, and remove distractions (cell phones, gaming consoles, etc.).
  • Maintain good health and well being by getting at least 8 hours of sleep, eating well-balanced meals, getting physical activity and safely socializing with friends and family.
Family/Parent Expectations
Families can support their students’ learning through the following:
  • Help students create a study/work space in the home.
  • Provide structure by helping manage students’ online learning by ensuring students keep the daily schedule, attend all classes and finish all assignments.
  • Conduct weekly check in meetings with students to review grades, upcoming coursework/assessments, and connection activities, and to engage in conversations about social/emotional well being.
  • Ensure that students are making good use of their breaks from classes throughout the day, to eat appropriately, stretch and get physical activity.
  • Contact teachers, guidance counselors or the administration with feedback, questions or concerns.
  • Model flexibility and support.
Faculty Expectations
Teachers will be expected to do the following:
  • Adapt course materials to online format and communicate learning expectations to students.
  • Follow the daily schedule of classes, use Google Meet to host and record all classes, and post recordings on Google Classroom.
  • Utilize Google Classroom as the primary vehicle for the posting of assignments and delivery of course content.
  • Utilize Blackbaud to post assignments in the gradebook with the future due date as soon as that assignment is posted in Google Classroom.
  • Provide timely feedback to students and adhere to the weekly Blackbaud update schedule set by the Dean of Academics.
  • Respond to emails in a timely manner, preferably within 24 hours.
  • Hold virtual office hours each week on Mondays and Fridays from 2-3pm. Teachers will also be available on Wednesdays, or other times by appointment.
  • Be flexible and supportive with students who may experience illness or other family concerns.
  • Model optimism, flexibility and innovation.
  • Communicate with students and parents when there are missing classes and assignments.
  • Initiate extra help sessions with students who seek or need additional support.
Guidance Expectations
The Guidance Department will be expected to do the following:
  • Support the academic, social, and emotional needs of each student.
  • Review students’ grades in order to determine if a student requires extra support.
  • Conduct meetings with students, teachers, and parents.
  • Attend to the development of all students’ academic growth and leadership potential.
  • Help students explore interests, career and major options, and college choices.
  • Familiarize students with college and career platforms such as Naviance and the College Board.
Administration Expectations
The administration will be expected to do the following:
  • Communicate frequently with students, teachers, families and support staff.
  • Support teachers with the development and implementation of course content inclusive of our specialized programming; address feedback or concerns about distance learning.
  • Support teachers and students with the implementation of academic accommodations.
  • Facilitate support for students and families who need assistance in the distance learning environment.
  • Model optimism, flexibility and innovation.


Students are expected to be on time and in class for the duration of every live session.  Teachers will take attendance during every class.  If a student will be absent, a parent or guardian must report the absence by emailing  Tardies will be recorded for late log-ins and absences will be recorded if a student does not log-in for the duration of the entire live class period.  If a student encounters any technical difficulties, she should report the issue to her teacher.

Learning Support

The goal of learning support is to provide students with resources and strategies to provide an equal opportunity for academic success at Seton. As well as with direct support from their teachers within their academic courses, students may need help beyond the formal delivery of content, or skills development. Learning support will serve as a source of academic support to be included in the design of an effective learning environment, with the aim of doing all that can be done to ensure that students succeed in maintaining academic standards at Seton.

Small groups:  Teachers will offer sessions to meet with students to review concepts, allow opportunities for reflection and revision, and extend the learning process.

Individual Meetings:  Teachers will offer a number of ways to connect with students individually through video conferences, telephone calls, office hours and advisory periods.

Resource Support: This school year, we will be launching a resource support center to supplement student learning. As part of our mission to cultivate confidence in our students, a fundamental step in developing that confidence is to learn self-advocacy. Seeking additional help and resources can help students understand that healthy problem solving is essential for academic growth and success. As a result, our resource support center will provide students with opportunities to practice self-advocacy with an ultimate goal to improve their personal and academic strengths. 

Dress Code
School uniforms are not required for distance learning; however, students are expected to dress appropriately for the school day.  In order to maintain and deepen our sense of community and connection, we encourage you to wear a Seton shirt, polo or other Seton attire.  Clothing with any explicit, offensive words, logos or symbols that conflict with the values of Elizabeth Seton High School are not to be worn during class.  Physical education classes may have dress code requirements based on the activities planned.